Let’s Review: Jessa Kane

I love discovering a new author that I can binge read. I’m not sure there is anything else in the world that fills my heart with such joy and let’s be frank, we all need some joy right about now. 2021 has the potential to be great, but realistically nothing has really changed or improved since the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve, so I’m sure we will take all the joy we can get, even if it comes in the form of an author we have never read with a whole series of books just ripe for the reading.

On social media there have been a number people who have mentioned Jessa Kane’s novel Husky and the way people have been talking about it, I just had to read it.

I LOVE books with curvy women and having been a big girl for most of my life, my favorite phrase is, “big girls need love too!” However, big beautiful women are becoming more and more common as the heroines of romance novels, but what about big beautiful men? They need love too!

Husky takes the idea of the plus size man and show that it is absolutely sexy. I tell my own plus size teddy bear that a keg is better than a six pack πŸ™‚ and what I mean is that there is something to be said about having a guy who is cuddly, sweet, and sexy, and makes me feel small and feminine. In the book Husky, the main character Daws is all of those things. He is a big guy who doesn’t boast a set of six pack abs. He is a real dude who earned his muscles through physical labor and who is a badass even if he isn’t model perfect.

Daws is a beat up, rough looking, bar owner who isn’t looking for love and doesn’t expect it. When Parker walks into his joint and slides her gorgeous ass onto a bar stool, he feels like he’s been blindsided, especially when the young, gorgeous woman tells him that she wants him to be a model and inspire her new clothing line. After discovering she is serious what could he say, except, fuck yes. There is no way he is going to let the opportunity to spend more time with this sweet, beautiful woman get away.

Parker is an up and coming fashion designer. After winning a reality show for fashion design, all eyes are on her for her first real show. The problem is that her men’s line is serious lacking and uninspired. The perfect male models just aren’t doing it for her and unless she can find some inspiration quick, her first show is destined to be a flop. Then she strolls into the corner bar and sees Daws. His rough, tough, husky appearance is a far cry from the shiny models she’s been working with and he’s exactly what she needs…both for her designs and to sate the sudden lust that has overtaken her.

It is completely refreshing to read a story where the guy is the one who is feeling a little uncertain. Oh, sure, it’s pretty common to read about a hero feeling like he’s not good enough for the heroine, but it’s usually not because the hero is husky. Jessa Kane not only makes Daws sexy, but she also makes him a mysterious badass with a past that includes a cool as hell job. He’s real, and the way Parker wants to climb him like a tree makes the book totally hot. I love, love, love it and I have already downloaded some of Jessa Kane’s other books (Burly, King Sized, Queen Sized, and My Husband, My Stalker {because who can resist a title like that?!?}).

Jessa Kane’s storyline is fresh and compelling. Husky is a quick read that will leave you fanning your face, but also completely satisfied πŸ˜‰ So, get to Amazon and check out Jessa Kane’s writing!

Well done, Jessa Kane! Well done!

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