Monthly Archives: February 2015

Let’s Review:Maya Banks

Maya Banks is a woman of multiple talents.  As of late I have been having a marathon,  reading every book of hers I can get my hands on and I have been quite impressed.  I will admit however to being a teensy bit shocked, so folks who object to erotica, beware!

The first book of hers I read was Rush and holy moly my friends, I was put into a whole other world and boy was there a lot of sex 😉  I have read Fifty Shades of Grey where there was a somewhat shocking introduction to the red room of pain, but I have to say that Maya Banks blows Fifty Shades out of the water (Sorry E.L. James).   I had a hard time connecting with Christian Grey, but I found myself falling in love with Gabriel in Rush.  He was just so unapologetic about his desires and incredibly sexy. In fact, all of the characters in her Breathless series were incredibly likable and I wanted to know more  about them.

My addiction to those characters led me to read the entire Sweet series and once again I found myself intrigued. Yes, there is an incredible amount of very explicit sex in these books, but really, that’s not why I liked them.  I have to say that I really enjoyed the relationships that developed and meeting all of the Alphas that graced the pages.  These books had a lot of passion but also a lot of plot.

For follks who are looking for a little MORE plot and little less sex, Maya Banks’s KGI series is awesome. I love books that are suspenseful and center around a group of ass kicking men.  The Kelly men are exactly that.  These men (all ex-military) are part of a covert-op organization and they spend a lot of time kicking a lot of ass.  Luckily, they make time to rescue the damsel in distress or at least make the attempt while she rescues herself.  There are quite a few books in this series and like the other two series I mentioned, the characters overlap and come back so you are never truly without the previous book’s friends.

Luckily for me, Maya Banks has written a lot of books so I still have quite a few on my to read list. All in all:

Well done Maya Banks!